Danmarks Ambassade i Moskva - Info om Rusland
Udenrigsministeriet - Forholdet mellem Danmark og Rusland
Nordisk samarbejde med Rusland
[da, en, ru, is, no, sv, fi] "Udviklingen i Rusland er af vigtig betydning for Norden. Norge og Finland deler grænse med Rusland, mens Østersøen og Barentshavet binder alle de nordiske lande sammen med Nordens største nabo. De nordiske regeringer ønsker at videreudvikle relationerne til Rusland for at skabe vækst og stabilitet i det nordlige Europa. Samarbejdet skal bidrage til en demokratisk udvikling i Rusland og til at Rusland deltager som en aktiv partner i samarbejdet i regionen."
[da, ru] Forening med rødder i Danmark og Grønland som beskæftiger sig med urfolk i Rusland med særlig vægt på de polare områder. Formålet er dels at hjælpe russiske urfolk, men også at oplyse om deres levevilkår og deres kulturer.
Языки народов России
[ru] Список ресурсов.
[en] Designed as a forum of exchange and an open archive serving researchers, journalists and others interested in the history and current permutations of Russian right-wing thought and politics.
[en, ru] A peer-reviewed journal of empirical social research in English and Russian. It is published three times a year as a paper journal and online in Saint Petersburg, Russia, by an international group of sociologists, anthropologists, and historians. The journal’s focus is on historical, comparative, cultural, and ethnographic sociology.
Ab Imperio Network
[en, ru] Studies of New Imperial History and Nationalism in the Post-Soviet Space.
Communal Living in Russia
[en, ru] This Web site--an online ethnographic museum--explores and explains a striking social phenomenon: the Soviet "kommunalka," or communal apartment. Instituted after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, the kommunalka was a predominant form of housing for generations. By the 1970s, these crowded and uncomfortable apartments began to empty out in a noticeable way. But even now, when their location the most fashionable central districts of large Russian cities make them hot targets for real-estate buyouts, many remain in place, with life ordered in much the same way as it always was. On this site, we show video clips of ongoing communal apartments and their inhabitants, shot in St. Petersburg in 2006. There are also audio interviews, photographs, documents, commentaries, and explanations of many different kinds.