Factsheets on Roma
[en, sv, de, rm, al, sr, fr, ro] Recommended first reading.Go directly to history, culture, language, literature
[romani] Project
[en, de] Universität Graz
Romani Project
[en] University of Manchester
[en] Lexical database
[en, de, cz] Didactically edited information on Roma.
[da, en]
Forum för romska studier / Forum for Romani Studies
[se, en] Södertörn, Stockholm
Международное общество исследований цыганской культуры
European Academic Network on Romani Studies
Quality Education in Romani for Europe (QUALIROM)
[en, de, fi, cz, sk, sr] The project Quality Education in Romani for Europe (QUALIROM) implemented and tested the Curriculum Framework for Romani (CFR) and the corresponding European Language Portfolio Models (ELPs) which are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and were developed by the Council of Europe.
[en, de, fr]
The Gypsy Lore Society
Journal Romano džaniben
[en, cs]
Федеральная Национально-Культурная Автономия Российских Цыган (ФНКА)
Ромські діалекти України
[ua, ru]
Council of Europe - Roma and Travellers
[en, fr, de, it, ru]
[fr] Fédération nationale des associations solidaires d'action avec les Tsiganes et les Gens du voyage
Collectif National Droits de l'Homme Romeurope (CNDH Romeurope)
[fr, en]
DIIS, Holocaust- og Folkedrabsstudier: Sigøjnere under Holocaust
[ru] Сетевая инициатива, посвященная цыганской культуре
[en, de, rm]
Romani corpus / Корпус цыганского языка
[en, ru]