Finno-Ugric Languages and Literatures - Browse by subject
[en, de] Göttingen State and University Library
Research Guide for Finno-ugric & Uralic resources
[en] Helsinki University
Subject Catalogue Finnougristics
[en, de] The Catalogue of the Special Subject Collections "Finnougristics, Finland, Hungary, Estonian Language, Literature and Folklore" is a specific compilation of Finno-ugrian resources of the GVK - Common Union Catalogue of GBV. The database comprises almost all subject related holdings of the Göttingen State and University Library.
At present the subject catalogue contains more than 80.000 records with holding information for books, journals, maps, dissertations and other materials including digital resources.
Electronic Journals Library - Finnougristics
[en, de]
Uppsala Universitet - Finsk-ugriska språk
Финно-угорские библиотеки России
[ru, fi]
[en, fi, ru] Fenno-Ugrica of the National Library of Finland is a digital collection of publications in Uralic languages. The Fenno-Ugrica collection includes more than 1500 monographs and over 110 newspaper and journal titles in 20 languages.
[en, fi, ru] The Uralica is developed by the National Library of Finland and funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Cultures. Uralica is a publicly accessible and open infrastructure information system that provides access to the digital collections of books, maps and recordings in the languages of the Uralic language family of funds of various libraries.
Финно-угорская электронная библиотека
ELDIA - European Language Diversity for All
[en] ELDIA conducted field research, based on a centrally planned design, with 12 multilingual communities across Europe (of the 14 studies planned originally, two could not be finalized). These groups included both traditional (regional, autochthonous) minorities and migrant communities, and their (heritage) languages covered the full range from highly cultivated nation-state languages (Finnish, Hungarian, Estonian) to small and endangered minority languages without long traditions of literacy, sometimes with unclear or contested status.
FINUGOR.RU - Информационный центр Финно-угорских народов / Finno-Ugric media center
[ru, en, kv]
Финно-угорский культурный центр Российской Федерации
[ee, en, ru] The Non-Profit Organisation Fenno-Ugria is an umbrella organisation dedicated to cooperation with Estonians’ kindred peoples – Finno-Ugric and Samoyedic peoples. Fenno-Ugria was established in 1927 and re-established in 1991.
URALIC - Centre for Indigenous Peoples
[ee, en, ru]
Консультативный комитет финно-угорских народов
[ru, en]
Finno-Ugrian Society
[en, fi]