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Centre for Refugee and IDP Studies:
Challenges and Perspectives of the First Academic Centre for Forced migration studies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Western Balkans
First centre for forced migration studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Western Balkans, Centre for Refugee and IDP Studies (CESI), is established in 2011 in the partnership with and by support of the UNHCR. Centre is dedicated to improving awareness and understanding the causes and consequences of forced migration by providing a forum for education, research, training and dialogue in the field of refugee/IDP studies with a specific emphasis on conflict-induced displacement in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Western Balkans during the 1990’s.
CESI’s mission and vision is to become a research hub, archive and a resource centre as well as the leading research and education institute in the field of refugee studies in the Western Balkans.
Selma Porobić, Director of this newly established centre, is going to address the challenges and perspectives of the establishment and development of the Centre in the context of today's post-war Bosnian society with reflection on the past and present of forced displacement in the region and the future prospects of the Centre's work, its goals and mission.
The seminar is open to all, and no registration is needed.