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Simultantolkning russisk/dansk og dansk/russisk ved Elena Buggeskov og Sten Jacobsen.
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Conference Registration
Over the meeting Sergey Morgunov, the head of Russian Center for Science & Culture
The opening of the conference. Opening remarks by the Russian Ambassador to Denmark
Mikhail Vanin, Russia's Ambassador to Denmark
Report: “Russia in the campaign 1812 - 1814 period”.
Victor Bezotosnyi, head of the Dept. of History of the XIX - early XX centuries, the State Historical Museum, Ph.D., winner of the State Prize of Russia in the field of culture and arts, Moscow
Report: “The Political Background for the Danish Relationship with Russia 1798 –1812”.
Karsten Fledelius, Associate Professor, Ph.D., University of Copenhagen
17.05-17.25 Coffee break
Report: “Soldiers and officers of the Russian army of the era of War in 1812: social portraits of generals, behavior in combat, military distinction”.
Dmitry Tselorungo, Chief Scientist Museum "Borodino field", Ph.D., Moscow
Report: “The Russian Navy’s Role in the Baltic Sea seen in a Danish perspective in the years before the 1812 campaign”.
Jacob Serup, Ph.D., Research Curator at the Danish Defense History Museum, Copenhagen
Report: “Estate of Russia in the War of 1812”.
Anna Semenova, Senior Fellow, Institute of Russian History RAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Discussion. Conference summary