LibX is a browser plugin for Firefox and Internet Explorer which supports your literature research. The browser gets a new optional search bar for various relevant library catalogues. The plugin automatically links any ISBN, ISSN, DOI and PubmedID number on the net to the Royal Library of Copenhagen.
Go to the project's download site at and try it before you install
LibX supports the OpenURL resolver of the Royal Library so you can in many relevant web sites, portals and databases find links to an automatic request for an item at the Royal Library catalogue. ISSN, DOI and PubmedID numbers shown in web sites will be automatical linked to the library's resolver lookup. ISBN numbers will be linked to REX.
You can mark text and search it in the context menu. You may adapt which criterias and catalogues to be shown in the context menu.
LibX integrates a search icon in more and more sites as e.g. Google Scholar, Amazon, Yahoo! Search etc. so you can search for the respective material directly in REX.
LibX for the University of Copenhagen - Russian and Slavic studies supports following catalogues and search engines:
- REX books & journals
- REX articles
- REX (classic)
- SFX (KB Links)
- Danish State Archives
- Deff catalogue order material from large Danish research libraries and receive it by mail
- WorldCat
- The European Library
- BASE academic open access search engine
- Google Scholar
- ToRS Slavic library
- Slavistics Portal meta-search lookup in following databases: Subject Gateway Slavistics, Slavonic and East European Internet Catalogue, OLC-SSG Slavistics, BibDatSlav, OlBiSlav, Kempgen's linguistic bibliography (Bamberg), EBSEES, Essays and articles database Eastern Europe (ViFaOst), Czech National Bibliography (ČNB), RussGus II - database for area studies, Full text dissertations OREL - (поиск кириллицей), E-Books OREL - (поиск кириллицей), Google Book Search, Google-Coop: Fulltext content Slavistics, Polish Digital Libraries Federation (DLF), Virtual Library Slovenia (COBISS.SI), National Library in Warsaw, Electronic Catalogue of the Slavonic Library (SLK), Russian National Library (Rossica), Russian State Library (OPAC), INION RAN - Electronic catalogue (1991-), German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB), Bavarian Union Catalogue, Common Library Network Catalogue (GVK)
- ViFaOst meta-search lookup in following databases: Historical Abstracts Database licences, Periodicals Index Online, Int. Bibliography on Pre-Petrine Russia, Religion in Former Yugoslavia, Austrian Historical Bibliography, Academic Papers and Project Reports, New Acquisitions Eastern Europe, E-Journals Eastern Europe, ZDB, Wiener Slawistischer Almanach, Essays and Articles Database Eastern Europe, EBSEES, OstNet (Subject Gateway), Erik Amburger Database, BSB Catalogue, Solidarność and the Independent Polish Press, Literature dababase of Middle and Eastern Europe, JSTOR, Seliger Archives, OEI Catalogue, Eastern Europe Network Catalogue, Library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Current Contents Eastern Europe, SBB Catalogue, OLC SSG Baltic States, OLC SSG Eastern Europe, FES Catalogue, BSB Catalogue
- Russian National Bibliography
- Russian State Library
- SIGLA meta-search lookup in 278 library catalogues across Russia
- RILC meta-search lookup in the M.I. Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (VGBIL), Moscow State University Academic Library (Lomonosov) (MSUL), National Library of Russia (NLR), Parliamentary Library (PL), Russian State Library (RSL)
- The Belarussian National Library
- The Central Scientific Library of Belarus
- Journals on Eastern Europe
- Academic converter from and to Russian-Cyrillic supports ISO/R 9 (used by the University Library), ISO 9, Scholarly, GOST 7.79B, ALA-LC with diacritics, Duden, Sprognævn, and translit. Support of obsolete and Church Slavonic characters.
In addition, to links to relevant meta search engines are provided:
- Russian and Ukrainian libraries meta catalogue to many major catalogues and a dissertations database
Download add-on

Two other add-ons:
- LibX for Russian and Slavic/Slavonic Studies
- LibX for Copenhagen universities
Suggestion: Search citations with LibX, save and edit them with Zotero.