
False Friends in Slavic Languages

Include Slavic and English annotation in result: meanings, synonyms, grammar, comments


Number of terms

Belarusian: 232
Bosnian: 181
Bulgarian: 277
Croatian: 206
Czech: 322
Kashubian: 142
Macedonian: 98
Russian: 377
Polish: 333
Serbian: 192
Slovak: 216
Slovenian: 220
Lower Sorbian: 135
Upper Sorbian: 119
Ukrainian: 208
Total: 3258

Number of meanings

Counts all individual meanings of every single term

Belarusian: 273
Bosnian: 233
Bulgarian: 385
Croatian: 278
Czech: 422
Kashubian: 181
Macedonian: 107
Russian: 516
Polish: 482
Serbian: 251
Slovak: 281
Slovenian: 289
Lower Sorbian: 192
Upper Sorbian: 153
Ukrainian: 306
Total: 4349

English meaning descriptions

This is also the number of all dedicated meanings known to the database

Total meanings (i.e. English descriptions): 1655

Number of translated meanings (synonyms):

Belarusian: 186
Bosnian: 260
Bulgarian: 307
Croatian: 290
Czech: 372
Kashubian: 46
Macedonian: 134
Russian: 571
Polish: 445
Serbian: 266
Slovak: 179
Slovenian: 257
Lower Sorbian: 42
Upper Sorbian: 50
Ukrainian: 193
Total: 3598

Other basic statistical functions to be implemented in future:

  • Number of complete false friends (+per languages)
  • Number of true friends
  • Unique meanings
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