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Understanding Violence in Russia

"Since Mahatma Gandhi died, I have no one to talk to." Vladimir Putin
  1.   Edited by Anne Le Huérou, Aude Merlin, Amandine Regamey, Elisabeth Sieca-Kozlowski, Routledge – 2014 – 272 pages     The Russia-Chechen wars have had an extraordinarily destructive impact on the communities and on the trajectories of personal lives in the North Caucasus Republic of Chechnya. This book presents in-depth analysis of the Chechen conflicts and their consequences on Chechen society. It discusses the nature of the violence, examines the dramatic changes which have taken place in society, in the economy and in religion, … Continue reading New publication from team members : Chechnya at war and beyond
  2. Beslan, 10 ans après… Le 1er septembre, un groupe de combattants nords-caucasien lourdement armés s’emparait d’une école dans la ville de Beslan (Ossétie du Nord) et prenait en otage 1.100 élèves et enseignants, le jour de la rentrée scolaire. Trois jours plus tard, le dénouement sanglant faisait près de 385 morts – dont 156 enfants – et 700 blessés, . Deux ans après la prise d’otage spectaculaire de Nord-Ost , cet épisode marquait un nouveau tournant dans le conflit tchétchène et dans la vie … Continue reading Beslan, 10 ans après…
  3. CFP: Violence in Twentieth-Century Russia and Eurasia: Experience, Affect, Memory, and Legacies Ralph and Ruth Fisher Forum Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign June 19-20, 2015 Organized by Harriet Murav and Mark Steinberg In a poem dedicated to the memory of 19 June 1914, Anna Akhmatova wrote “we aged a hundred years, and this / Happened in a single hour.” The twentieth century brought unprecedented violence to the European world, not least in the Russian empire and the Soviet Union. … Continue reading Call for Papers – Violence in Twentieth-Century Russia and Eurasia: Experience, Affect, Memory, and Legacies
  4. Comprendre les violences en Russie Synthèse des résultats du projet de recherche Emergence(s) 2009-2013   Le projet que nous avons mené grâce au soutien du projet Emergence(s) de la Mairie de Paris visait à appréhender les phénomènes de violence qui traversent la société et les institutions russes dans les années 1990-2000. Si l’effondrement de l’URSS a plutôt surpris par le caractère pacifique de la transition politique qui a eu lieu à Moscou, dès les années 1990 la Russie renvoie l’image d’un Etat en proie … Continue reading Understanding Violence in Russia – A Quick Overview of the Project Conclusions (in French)
  5. The international conference The October 1993 Crisis in Russia will be held in Paris on November 18 and 19 2013. (see general information) For the purpose of conference preparation, we are now publishing a range of posts on the blog “Russie contemporaine” , under the tag 1993.
  6. “Everyone’s silent memories ” The Russian NGO Civic Assistance Committee has just published a new book, result of a project led by its network of young volunteers. The idea was to go in several Russian cities to ask witnesses and participants of the two Chechen wars to tell their personnal memories about life before the war, life at war and the aftermath of the war. The book was presented on June 3rd at the Sakharov center in Moscow, with the authors of the projects … Continue reading Memories of the Chechen War : new book
  7. C. Salloum, B. Brice, Penser la violence collective, Nuvis, 2012. Depuis quelques temps, l’usage du terme de « guerre » connaît une remise en cause : d’un côté la guerre est euphémisée par l’usage de termes moins rudes (« intervention », « opération », « maintien de la paix »), de l’autre, elle est banalisée par un usage extensif (guerre entre entreprises, guerre contre la maladie, guerre contre la misère). Le présent ouvrage se réfère donc à la notion de violence dans son acception … Continue reading Book – C. Salloum, B. Brice, “Penser la violence collective”, Nuvis, 2012
  8. The Centre for English Local History, University of Leicester, 27-28 June 2013 What can we learn from the way that violent behaviour is experienced and perceived in European culture? This interdisciplinary conference invites discussion over the nature of violence in differing times and places. The aim is to not only bring together historians of different periods, but also to promote dialogue across a range of disciplines concerned with the study of violence in the modern world. What can comparative historical studies add to these debates, … Continue reading Call for Papers – European Perspectives on Cultures of Violence
  9. L’association Memorial a organisé une conférence de presse vendredi 1er mars consacrée au problème policier dans la République du Daghestan : affaires de corruption dans la police et enquêtes concernant ces affaires, renouvellement des certificats d’aptitude, déprofessionnalisation, lutte contre la rebellion armée, réactions des autorités politiques locales et fédérales. Vous trouverez un résumé (en russe) des principales interventions sur les sites Kavkazskij Uzel et Kavkazskaja Politika , ainsi que la retranscription video de l’ensemble de la conférence de presse.
  10. Après la violence : qu’est devenu le mouvement ‘antifa’ en Russie ? l’article que nous reproduisons propose une analyse de l’évolution de la mouvance ‘antifa’ russe, dont le combat du début des années 2000 contre les néo nazis s’est peu à peu déplacé en une confrontation avec le “Centre E”. http://www.lenta.ru/articles/2013/02/06/antifa/ Война хаоса против нормальных людей Жизнь после насилия: что происходит с движением антифа Участники акции памяти Станислава Маркелова и Анастасии Бабуровой в Москве, 19 января 2012 года Фото: Митя Алешковский / ИТАР-ТАСС «Мы … Continue reading After violence : the destiny of Russian antifa mouvement (reprint in Russian)
  11. more info The Centre for Contemporary History, Potsdam (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung, Potsdam, ZZF) is pleased to invite applications for two Visiting Fellowships during the academic year 2013‐2014 to work within research group “Physical Violence and State Legitimacy in Late Socialism”. Both fellowships cover a period of two months. They will provide an opportunity to pursue individual research as well as to participate in the scholarly community at the ZZF and in the Berlin metropolitan area. Fellows will be part of an international team … Continue reading 2 Visiting Fellowships „Physical Violence in State Socialism“
  12. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE – CALL FOR PAPER A forgotten October? Russia in 1993 Paris, 18-19 November 2013 Version française / Русская версия   “I order the suspension of the parliamentary, administrative and supervisory functions of the Congress of People’s Deputies and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation… The Constitution… and legislation… will remain in force to the extent that they do not conflict with this Decree” Moscow, Kremlin, 21 September 1993, 8pm, Presidential Decree (Ukaz) n° 1400. Presented by some as a way … Continue reading Call For Paper – A forgotten October? Russia in 1993
  13. Pinker S. The Better Angels of our Nature. New York: Viking; 2011. Editor’s presentation: Faced with the ceaseless stream of news about war, crime, and terrorism, one could easily think we live in the most violent age ever seen. Yet as New York Times bestselling author Steven Pinker shows in this startling and engaging new work, just the opposite is true: violence has been diminishing for millennia and we may be living in the most peaceful time in our species’s existence. For most of … Continue reading Debate on Violence in Western Europe – Book & Review
  14. The Journal of Power Institutions in Post-Soviet Societies, Pipss.revues.org – Issue 13 – Police Brutality & Police Reform in Russia & the CIS – http://pipss.revues.org/3813 Introduction, by Anne Le Huérou   Police Brutality & Police Reform in Russia and the CIS – Articles (5) · Mark Galeotti, 
” Purges, Power and Purpose: Medvedev’s 2011 police reforms ” · Boris Gladarev, 
” Russian Police before the 2010-2011 Reform: A Police Officer’s Perspective ” · Yulia Chistyakova et Annette Robertson , 
”Youtube Cops and Power Without … Continue reading Journal Issue – Pipss.org – Police Brutality & Police Reform in Russia & the CIS – Nov. 2012
  15. Бытовое насилие в истории российской повседневности Бытовое насилие в истории российской повседневности (XI-XXI вв.) / под ред. М. Муравьева, Н. Пушкарева. СПб.: Европейский университет в Санкт-Петербурге, 2012. 200 с. Книга знакомит читателя с историей насилия в российском обществе XI–XXI вв. В сборник вошли очерки ведущих российских и зарубежных специалистов по истории супружеского насилия, насилия против женщин и детей, основанные на разнообразном источниковом материале, большая часть которого впервые вводится в научный оборот. Издание предназначено для специалистов в области социальных и гуманитарных наук и людей, изучающих … Continue reading New Book – Бытовое насилие в истории российской повседневности (XI-XXI вв.) / под ред. М. Муравьева, Н. Пушкарева. СПб, 2012. 200 с.