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Finnish Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT) - Discussion Papers
The misallocation in the Chinese land market
23/2020 Fei, Xuan -
Volatility transmission and volatility impulse response functions in the main and the satellite Renminbi exchange rate markets
22/2020 Funke, Michael; Loermann, Julius; Tsang, Andrew -
How do individual politicians affect privatization? Evidence from China
21/2020 Ru, Hong; Zou, Kunru -
Growing up under Mao and Deng : On the ideological determinants of corporate policies
20/2020 Hao, Liang; Rong, Wang; Haikun, Zhu -
The political globalisation trilemma revisited : An empirical assessment across countries and over time
19/2020 Funke, Michael; Zhong, Doudou