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Russian Military and Security Studies (FI)

Threats, interests, resources & challenges
  1. In this article, we analyse what hybrid war entails in the context of Russian military periodicals. Two dominant interpretations emerge from the debate. Hybrid war involves a conflict between civilizations and a geopolitical struggle for power. In both cases, the West is represented as an active participant in the conflict, intent upon undermining Russia’s geopolitical …
  2. Assessment of change in authoritarian political systems is notoriously problematic. A serious political crisis has been looming in Russia for a long while, but it is difficult, if not impossible, to predict precisely the final shape or timing of the crisis. Lilia Shevtsova, a well-known political researcher, summarises the current situation in her recent article …
  3. Kuluneen noin puolen vuoden ajan maailma on elänyt uuden koronaviruksen (covid-19) aiheuttaman pandemian keskellä. Viruksen vähitellen levitessä valtiot ovat reagoineet tilanteeseen eri tavoin. Syitä näihin eroihin voidaan etsiä maiden poliittisten kulttuurien eroista, terveydenhoitojärjestelmien toimintakyvystä ja resurssien riittävyydestä. Koronapandemia on paljastanut eri yhteiskuntien kipupisteitä ja vahvuuksia. Venäjä ei ole tässä suhteessa poikkeus. Tämän tutkimusraportin tavoitteena on …
  4. Dr. Katri Pynnöniemi’s review of Russian strategy documents in The Russian National Security Strategy: shaping perceptions and coordinating actions is revealing. Russian national strategy is consistent across multiple organs of the Russian government and focused on several main themes. Dr. Pynnöniemi rarely mentions Putin, but his hand is evident in the presence of the same …
  5. Collaboration between the National Defence University and University of Helsinki has proved successful, reaching both a high academic level and a significant role in policymaking and non-academic discourse. In 2017, close cooperation was established between the Russia-group dedicated to Russia expertise at the National Defence University and the research group built around the Mannerheim professorship, …