
False Friends in Slavic Languages

Include Slavic and English annotation in result: meanings, synonyms, grammar, comments

Czech ‘brkat’

Semantics: dialect

The database knows following meanings of the Czech word ‘brkat’:

  • stumble
  • to hick-up

Semasiological map for ‘brkat’

The database has information related to this term for Bulgarian.

Czech ‘brkat’:

  • The Czech meaning ‘stumble’ is unique.
  • The Czech meaning ‘to hick-up’ is unique.
  • The meaning ‘to stir, mix’ (not present in Czech ‘brkat’, translated as ‘smíchat’) is attested in Bulgarian бъркам.
  • The meaning ‘to be wrong, to make a mistake’ (not present in Czech ‘brkat’, translated as ‘chybit, mýlit se’) is attested in Bulgarian бъркам.
  • The meaning ‘to thrust one’s hand into sth. (not present in Czech ‘brkat’, translated as ‘dát ruku do X) is attested in Bulgarian бъркам.
brkat (dialect)
Meaning in Bulgarian:
  1. препъвам се / stumble
  2. хълцам / to hick-up
Meaning in Czech:
  1. smíchat / to stir, mix
  2. chybit, mýlit se / to be wrong, to make a mistake
  3. dát ruku do X / to thrust one’s hand into sth.


‘to hick-up’
‘to stir, mix’
‘to be wrong, to make a mistake’
‘to thrust one’s hand into sth.
no such word
no information yet
stumble to hick-up to stir, mix to be wrong, to make a mistake to thrust one’s hand into sth.
Czech brkat (dialect) + +
Bulgarian бъркам + + +
Meanings stumble to hick-up to stir, mix to be wrong, to make a mistake to thrust one’s hand into sth.

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